Vi has secured Rs 30,000 crore deals with Nokia, Ericsson, and Samsung to upgrade its network. The company aims to deploy 75,000 5G base stations over three years, using a mix of 3.5 GHz and 1,800 ...
The Galaxy A16 5G was first announced in October, and today Samsung has unveiled its release plans for the device in the US. The A16 5G will become available on January 9 from as well ...
Vi has finalised $3.6 billion (Rs 30,000 crore) worth of contracts with global vendors Nokia, Ericsson, and Samsung to enhance its 4G network and deploy 5G infrastructure. The company plans to add ...
Vi is likely to initially launch 5G in India’s top 75-odd cities across its 17 priority circles and even target industrial hubs that are heavy data-guzzling zones, multiple people aware of the matter ...