Health Services Academy (HSA) is set to launch a pioneering healthcare workforce export initiative under its Prior Learning ...
The Guam Board of Nurse Examiners voted to approve the endorsement of Melinda Ong, who had a pending registered nurse ...
Prospect House Nursing Home in Malpas is celebrating after achieving a ‘Good’ rating across all sixteen quality domains in a ...
IntellaTriage, the nation's leading provider of after-hours nurse-first triage solutions, began Q1 with promotions for several key players within the organization.
The Higher Education Commission (HEC) convened a high-level meeting with national accreditation councils at the HEC ...
However, as groundbreaking as these therapies are, they also pose unique challenges for the drug development process, particularly regarding quality assurance (QA). The role of QA is more critical ...
Gerald Ackerman, assistant dean of Rural Programs with the university's medical program, said the university has a state loan ...
A West Yorkshire nursing home has been placed into special measures due to watchdog concerns around understaffing and poor ...
HIS said only trained and experienced healthcare professionals should administer Botox Scotland's regulator of private health ...
The Katz Women's Hospital at the Long Island Jewish Medical Center has been named a Center of Excellence by the Society for ...
Sir Stephen Timms told the Commons "there is not time limit" as to when mandatory reconsiderations must be made.