An agreement signed by Saskatchewan’s Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation (PBCN) and the federal government is being described as a historic victory.
Carney is expected to talk about security and economic and trade ties while in Europe, where he will meet with French ...
The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) says there has been a confirmed case of measles in Swift Current. In a news release ...
It was an eventful weekend for Regina Fire. Crews were busy early Saturday morning at a business fire on the 600 block of ...
近期,加拿大被特朗普“朝令夕改”的关税威胁搞得晕头转向,真可谓“一天一个样,一周都变样”,全加朝野上下忧心忡忡。与此同时,中国宣布对加拿大部分农产品、水产品加征100%和25%的关税。一夜之间,加拿大就像夹在中美两头大象中间,陷入“双重贸易战”的困境 ...
Carney said the order he signed fulfilled a promise he made while running for the Liberal leadership and will help address affordability concerns for Canadians.
Nationalism is resurging in Canada in response to threats from the U.S. president to annex the country, while citizens boycott products from their southern neighbor in retaliation for tariffs imposed ...
Good morning, Lloydminster. Today’s weather is sunny with sun and cloud in the morning, 15 km/h wind, and a high of -11 C. Read more: Momentum masters Arizona volleyball tournament According to ...