But one thing the Scopes "monkey trial" of 1925 did not do was settle ... American Civil Liberties Union backing his defense. His lawyer was the legendary Clarence Darrow, who, besides being ...
The trial began July 10 and ended July 21 where Scopes was found guilty and fined $100. The ruling later was overturned on ...
He was the Attorney for the Damned, the Great Defender, the champion of free thought who skewered biblical literalism at the Scopes Monkey Trial and the master courtroom rhetorician whose three ...
Edward Larson, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning historical account of the “Scopes Trial,” will visit the U of A March 6 to explore the trial's enduring legacy as a cultural spectacle 100 years ...
Most know the story of the Scopes Monkey Trial as a battle between scientific study and religious establishment. In 1925, in Dayton, Tennessee, John Scopes was tried for teaching Darwinism, ...
The Scopes “monkey trial,” as the journalist H ... Darrow, meanwhile, was afraid of being locked into a political and legal ...
Schwartz, Gerald, “Mencken and the Dayton Firebrand,” Menckeniana 162 (Summer 2002): 1-5. Shaw, Bynam, “Scopes Reviews the Monkey Trial,” Esquire 74 (Nov. 1970): 90, 94. Tyndale, William, The ...
and formerly worked as a defense attorney and adjunct law professor. His new book, "The Trial of the Century," about the famous "Scopes Monkey Trial" is available in bookstores nationwide or can ...
Why was the Scopes 'Monkey' Trial not really a trial at all?Why was the Scopes 'Monkey' Trial not really a trial at all?
Famous lawyer Henry Drummond defends him; fundamentalist politician Matthew Brady prosecutes. This is a very thinly disguised rendition of the 1925 "Scopes monkey trial" with debates between ...
But one thing the Scopes "monkey trial" of 1925 did not do was settle ... American Civil Liberties Union backing his defense. His lawyer was the legendary Clarence Darrow, who, besides being ...
Thinks man and monkey had ancestor LONDON ... emotions threatening to burst the bounds of legal restraint at any moment, the trial of John T. Scopes was resumed today when Judge Raulston's ...