A new study by LMU and Helmholtz Munich shows how pathogens control changes in their cell surface to evade the immune system.
Singular Genomics Systems (NASDAQ:OMIC – Get Free Report) will likely be issuing its quarterly earnings data after the market ...
与 LACC Sub1 - 6 相关的细胞异质性 :通过 scRNA - seq 分析,研究人员发现不同的上皮细胞(Epithelial Cell,EC)亚群与各个亚型相关。例如,KRT1/13、GADD45B 等亚群与 Sub1 - 2 相关;PGK1 和 CXCL10 high 亚群与 Sub5 相关;MUC5AC high 亚群与 Sub3 和 6 ...
为解决非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)治疗难题,研究人员探究 TIMM23 在 NSCLC 中的作用,发现其可作预后生物标志物和治疗靶点。 南昌大学第一附属医院等机构的研究人员开展了一项针对 NSCLC 的研究,相关成果发表在《Cell Death and Disease》上。该研究聚焦于线粒体相关蛋白 TIMM23(线粒体内膜转位酶 23),旨在探究其在 NSCLC 发生发展中的作用,这一研究为 ...
Their clinical AD data analysis began with a GWAS on a clinical AD cohort in which nearly half of participants had non-European ancestry, the dataset from the National Institute on Aging Genetics of ...
Discovered in the state of Ceará, Brazil, the novel coronavirus shares similarities with the virus responsible for Middle ...