The superhero genre has thrived on successful sequels, but there are many superhero movie sequels that couldn't live up to ...
Despite the genre's enduring popularity, these big-budget superhero films failed to recoup their costs, ultimately bombing at ...
Wonder Woman delivers a hope-charged blast of purely ... This is one of the best superhero movies to watch on repeat, so be sure to read our X-Men 2 review if you want to know more mutant details.
And that, in the end, is why it matters that Wonder Woman's romance is so good. Relationships matter in superhero movies, and not just for narrative purposes. Whether they're with dead dads or ...
Wonder Woman had a huge opening weekend ... charmingly ridiculous summer fare with a smidgeon more depth than most superhero movies. The critics have swooned, and some of them have literally ...
Hans Zimmer isn’t rushing to score another superhero movie any time soon. The 12-time Academy Award nominated composer ...
No one can deny that 2025 has some of the best upcoming superhero movies to be released in years. Not only do we have the first Marvel Phase 6 movie with the MCU's Fantastic Four, but there is ...