Medical marketing leaders weigh in on the temporary respite for TikTok and what it means for pharma clients. After a turbulent weekend, TikTok is back – for the time being.
候任总统特朗普承诺将于周一发布行政命令,暂停对TikTok的禁令,但目前尚不清楚他是否能够挽救这款应用程序。 Erik S Lesser/EPA, via Shutterstock 自周六晚间开始,中国公司字节跳动旗下的短视频应用TikTok在美国停止服务,这是因为一项新的法律在美国封禁了该公司 ...
People are selling old phones with TikTok installed for as much as $50,000, and the boom is growing, as Google and Apple have removed the app from their online stores.