Overfishing of sharks is linked to coral reef destruction. Without sharks, smaller fish stop eating coral-eating starfish.
Consistent improvement in the air quality — ‘moderate' for the fourth consecutive day on Monday — freed the city of ...
When last did a headache have you reaching into your medicine cabinet – and finding a bottle of aspirin that expired three years ago? Did you take it anyway? And, if you decided instead to get rid of ...
After analyzing 175 placentas, U.S. researchers discovered a link between premature births and microplastics. While scientists don't yet know if the link can be chalked up to causation or ...
Elham Akbari has been named the recipient of Metrohm USA’s 2025 Young Chemist Award for her work with thermal degradation, as ...
The destruction of organizational capacity in the EPA threatens our economic growth, health, and natural environment.