Consistent improvement in the air quality — ‘moderate' for the fourth consecutive day on Monday — freed the city of ...
After analyzing 175 placentas, U.S. researchers discovered a link between premature births and microplastics. While scientists don't yet know if the link can be chalked up to causation or ...
Divers recently sought evidence of the Palisades fire's underwater toll, particularly its effect on a vital anchor of the ...
Drinking water from plastic bottles can pose significant health risks due to the leaching of chemicals, such as BPA and ...
Aside from the loss of human lives and damage to properties, war significantly impacts the environment through various ways ...
It's claimed the UK government will issue release licenses to various wildlife groups as beavers continue their return to ...
Ngāi Tahu witness Mike Joy, a freshwater ecologist, is asked in court: Are dairy farmers deliberately destroying the ...
Documentary filmmaker Abdul Rashid Bhat’s film Doodh Ganga- Valley’s Dying Lifeline, which focuses on the adverse effects of ...
Aside from the loss of human lives and damage to properties, war significantly impacts the environment through various ways ...
Changes to the seasons will also have big impacts on the environment—altering the growing seasons for plants and changing ...
Beaver dams function as traps which delay the distribution of pollutants, improving the quality of downstream water, new research led by ...
Scientists are unraveling the complex factors that go into indoor air quality and how indoor air pollution and airborne ...