The Dow traded down 0.04% to 44,865.23 while the NASDAQ climbed 1.15% to 19,908.53. The S&P 500 also rose, gaining, 0.57% to 6,105.94. Exxon Mobil Corporation XOM reported better-than-expected ...
The Federal Reserve is expected to keep interest rates on hold on Wednesday. Plus, earnings reports from Apple, General Motors, Starbucks, Microsoft, Tesla, and Exxon Mobil.
In the wake of a recent scandal involving former senior vice president David Scott, Exxon Mobil Corp (NYSE:XOM). has announced the appointment of Bart Cahir to lead its shale... Exxon's recent ...
A number of other research analysts also recently issued reports on the stock. Barclays decreased their price objective on shares of Exxon Mobil from $142.00 to $137.00 and set an “overweight ...
Exxon Mobil gave notice that the next quarter will be down compared to the last quarter. But just giving that notice reduces the stock price volatility that many managements (and shareholders ...