Z-A introduces a new battle system to the franchise that will likely prove to be extremely influential on future titles.
A Pokemon fan gives the Water Starter Tototile a new look, as they take its Legends: Z-A appearance and render it in the ...
Z-A will have the same technical flaws as its predecessors and that Nintendo is not properly preparing Pokémon for the Switch ...
近期,宝可梦系列最新作品《宝可梦传说:Z-A(Pokémon Legends Z-A)》的宣传片由宝可梦社正式揭晓,却意外引发了玩家们对片中一个细节——街头长椅的热烈讨论,进而引出了关于游戏内NPC失业率这一深刻话题。
Pokemon Gen 10 will likely be a huge moment for the series, but a total reboot of the franchise could make it the most ...