Diese Ausgabe des Caucasus Analytical Digest beschäftigt sich mit dem Problem der erzwungenen Migration und langfristiger Vertreibung im Südkaukasus, welches die Region seit dem Ende der Sowjetunion ...
Elektronische Kriegsführung zielt auf das Hochfrequenzspektrum (RF). Cyber-Operationen zielen direkt auf Daten und Computernetzwerke ab. Terminologische Klarheit ist entscheidend, da eine falsche ...
Electronic warfare operations target the radiofrequency (RF) spectrum. Cyber operations directly target data and computer networks. Terminological clarity is essential because incorrectly categorizing ...
The Russian Analytical Digest (RAD) analyzes recent events, trends and developments within contemporary Russian politics, economics and business, foreign policy, security and society. Each issue ...
Eduard Klein () and Heiko Pleines (), both Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen. The six analyses in this issue look at Ukraine's relations with its neighbors and how ...
The Strategic Trends series offers a concise analysis of major developments in world affairs, with a primary focus on international security. The annual volumes provide succinct interpretations of key ...
Mauro Gilli is a Senior Researcher in Military Technology and International Security. He received his PhD in Political Science from Northwestern University in 2015, with major in International ...
The series “CSS Analyses in Security Policy” has been discussing current developments in foreign and security policy and their contexts in a concise format since 2006. The topics are often analyzed ...
Tobias Pulver is a PhD candidate at the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich. He holds a Master’s degree in Comparative and International Studies from ETH Zurich and the University of ...
When faced with an emergency, urged President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the first thing to do is “take all the plans off the top shelf and throw them out the window.” “Plans are worthless,” according to ...
The Ceasefire Project seeks to develop a stronger understanding of the role that ceasefires play in the transition from war to peace. Ceasefires are a regular occurrence in armed conflict, yet we know ...