Would you say you’re happy with your life? Are you satisfied and content? If your answer is no, I have good news for you: You ...
Chris Pratt’s unwavering commitment to Jesus in an industry often hostile to faith is nothing short of inspiring.
Rabbi Schneider urges believers to understand the times we are living in, and what signs we need to take notice of that ...
Now is the time to stay alert, stay in the Word and share the hope of the Gospel with as many people as possible.
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Print Copy Link Tensions in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict escalated dramatically ...
A truly biblical approach doesn’t ignore the reality of borders—it embraces them as part of God’s order for the world.
“And all they did for four months was knock on every single one of the doors in this place and we found out that there were ...
How many times have I warned my readers about war in the Middle East, war with Russia and war with China? Now we are here.
The material from the rocket is not toxic, and no significant costs to marine life or water safety are expected.
Activists and some medical institutions promote these life-altering procedures as the only solution for gender dysphoria.
The team over at Endtime Dream & Vision just broke down how the elites are setting the stage for total financial control.
In an unexpected livestream, prophetic voice Jenny Weaver just gave an amazing word after having quite the encounter with the ...