395 con un rifle de alta velocidad. Equipos policiales rastrean la zona con perros en busca de evidencias y revisan las cámaras de seguridad para conseguir pistas. De momento no se ha identificado a ...
El lunes 15 de noviembre, el proyecto de ley oficialmente llamado "Mixed Income Neighborhoods Overlay Bill" fue aprobado por el Comité de Reglas del Ayuntamiento de Filadelfia. De los concejales ...
El jueves 10 de junio, la Iniciativa Libertad para los Inmigrantes del Sureste de Louisiana, un proyecto del Southern Poverty Law Center, envió dos cartas al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional ...
Recientemente, América Latina ha recibido mucha atención por el número de países de la región que han realizado una labor reprobable en la lucha contra la actual crisis mundial de salud pública en ...
According to a new analysis from the National Partnership for Women & Families and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice, shared with NBC News, it was found that nearly 6.5 million ...
The world changed in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 in 2001 and for historians, the attacks marked the turn of the century. But since then and until now, many are the milestones that have ...
Through a constitutional reform, Chilean parliamentarians reinstated the measure that had been annulled in 2012, and that will now be applied in all electoral elections and plebiscites, except in ...
Philadelphia is preparing to be the next major Democratic city to receive buses of migrants sent by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Philadelphia Mayor’s Office spokesperson Kevin Lessard told Axios on Friday, ...
On Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021, Pennsylvania’s state senate approved a firearm bill allowing residents to carry guns without a permit. One bill, passed by a House committee the next day, Nov. 10, 2021, ...
"The UN must focus more on results rather than on processes," US President Donald Trump told government leaders on Tuesday in a high-level debate at the United Nations General Assembly. In a speech ...
According to BillyPenn, only in the first 20 days of April, the city received $7 million in soda taxes, an increase of just over a million compared to the $ 5.9 million collected in February after the ...
President Joe Biden is deploying 1,500 additional active-duty troops to the southern U.S. and Mexico border as anxiety within the White House rises regarding immigration. The announcement made on ...