U.S. House Representative Max Miller (R-7) was only a few days into the 119th Congress, and his second term as Ohio’s 7th District representative, when he introduced what he believes ...
Following a multi-year effort, Gates Mills Village Council last week introduced on first reading a resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with Chagrin Valley Gig LLC to ...
While there is no current plan in place and a high price tag linked to it, the idea is sound and the benefit to the community enormous for sidewalks along ...
The Pepper Pike City Council voted in favor of placing the new charter on the ballot this coming May, despite disagreements between the members and the mayor.
The Bainbridge Trustees took a look at the plans for a new meeting room and chambers on Monday, although the board has yet to decide if they are going to ...
The adoption by some neighboring communities of legislation to allow for virtual public meetings prompted one Gates Mills Village councilman to raise the issue in their community.