When you buy car insurance, your insurer should ask how you plan on using your vehicle. This affects the class of use of your insurance policy and its cost. So it's important you declare the correct ...
Keeping your vision roadworthy is your responsibility and is essential for your safety and everyone else’s. In this guide we'll cover what the rules and legal eyesight standards are in the UK. What ...
The government made a fresh announcement on the petrol and diesel car ban in January this year. It's committed to no new petrol and diesel cars being sold by 2030. And by 2035 all new cars and vans ...
1. The prize draw is open to residents of the United Kingdom, excluding employees and their immediate families of Confused.com, the RVU group, their agencies or anyone else professionally connected ...
Your tradesperson should replace or repair poor workmanship free of charge if they’re in breach of their contract. They should also do this within a reasonable amount of time. If you’ve spoken to your ...
Flooding can cause serious damage to homes and leave families with hefty repair bills. According to the Environment Agency, 6.3 million properties in England are in areas at risk of flooding. Of those ...
Learn why low-cost broadband doesn't mean slow broadband, and find out if a cheap broadband deal is right for you. With bills staying high and broadband prices increasing every year, it can certainly ...
Log into your Confused.com account and choose your reward within 90 days of buying your policy. Spend your reward! We'll email you when your claim's been verified and ...
At Confused.com, we're not only passionate about saving our customers time and money, we're passionate about the people who work for us too. Our people are at the heart of our business, which is why ...