Economic development scholar Ricardo Hausmann explains the history of the canal, Panama’s investment and development of the ...
Harvard Kennedy School faculty members Danielle Allen and Mark Fagan explain the guidelines, guardrails, and principles that ...
2021, Paper: "The last decade has seen an expo nential increase in corporate sus tainability activities and efforts by investors to use these activi ties in their portfolio formation, valuation, and ...
April 16, 2021, Video: "Timothy Massad, Harvard Kennedy School senior fellow and former CFTC chairman, discusses Coinbase IPO and regulation for cryptocurrencies. He speaks with Alix Steel on ...
March 22, 2021, Video: "Join us for a Conversation with Shoshana Zuboff where she will discuss Surveillance Capitalism and Democracy. Towards Life 3.0: Ethics and Technology in the 21st Century is a ...
June 1, 2021, Paper: "Since the Global Crisis, the size of central bank balance sheets has grown significantly. Traditional goals of price and financial stability are insufficient for assessing the ...
June 2021, Paper: "In this paper, we discuss the field of government and economics, an emerging body of work that aims to better understand government’s role, incentives and behavior in a modern ...
April 2021, Paper: "Integrating risk assessment, economic evaluation, and uncertainty to inform policy decisions is a core challenge to risk analysis. In September 2019, the Harvard Center for Risk ...
February 21, 2021, Paper: "In philosophy, economics, and law, the idea of voluntary agreements plays a central role. It orients contractarian approaches to political legitimacy. It also helps support ...
August 2021, Paper: "With “2020 hindsight,” the 2000s housing cycle is not a boom-bust but rather a boom- bust-rebound at both the national level and across cities. We argue this pattern reflects a ...
In what circumstances, if any, should economies accept harm to competition in the name of innovation? Jon Sallet, M-RCBG Senior Research Fellow, Special Assistant Attorney General to the State of ...