The European market for seabass and seabream is set to remain stable in 2025, with sustained demand and moderate growth in exports. Turkey, the leading producer, continues to strengthen its presence ...
In a strategic move to strengthen its position as a leader in fish feed research and development, BioMar has signed an agreement to acquire full ownership of LetSea, Norway’s premier experimental and ...
A recent study has revealed that adding selenium and vitamin E to the diet of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) can significantly boost growth, strengthen the immune system, and reduce mortality ...
Este año se cumple el centenario de la primera vez que el microbiólogo franco-canadiense Félix d’Herelle comenzó a usar virus específicos para combatir enfermedades bacterianas. El uso de estos ...
Climate change is reshaping the distribution of suitable habitats for mussel aquaculture in the Mediterranean and along Europe’s Atlantic coast. Studies predict that optimal mussel farming areas will ...
Researchers from the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture, along with their counterparts from Lancaster, Aberdeen, and Cambridge universities, have unveiled a pioneering method that ...
Researchers at the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, have developed a multi-stage surface flow constructed wetland that significantly improves the treatment of ...
The water flea, Daphnia magna-a tiny crustacean measuring no more than five yet packing an impressive nutritional punch, has long been in the sights of aquaculture producers as a vital live feed ...
Los investigadores Marcelino Herrera, Luis Vargas-Chacoff y Antoni Ibars han abierto a la comunidad científica la posibilidad de participar en el próximo volumen especial de la revista científica ...
En una estrategia para consolidar su liderazgo en investigación y desarrollo de alimentos para peces, BioMar ha firmado un acuerdo para adquirir la totalidad de LetSea, el principal centro ...