In the first days of Donald Trump’s second term as United States president, he signed 2 executive orders that carry significant, immediate implications for patients who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, ...
Among simple congenital heart diseases (CHD), patent foramen ovale (PFO) is associated with a significantly higher risk for epilepsy.
Among patients with isolated systolic hypertension and frailty, antihypertensive therapy is associated with improved outcomes.
High-intensity interval training was associated with improved glycemic control and cardiometabolic outcomes among patients with type 2 diabetes.
In a trial, sotagliflozin use in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD) was associated with lower risk of ischemic cardiovascular outcomes.
Weight fluctuation was associated with a greater risk for diabetic kidney disease progression among individuals with type 1 diabetes.
DTC as second primary malignancy was associated with increased risk for cardiovascular mortality, especially for those under 75 years of age.
Gastrointestinal adverse events partially mediated the weight loss effects among patients with obesity who received tirzepatide vs placebo.
In patients with acute heart failure, it is unclear how body mass index affects clinical outcomes following acute myocardial infarction.
Adiponectin levels were associated with increased likelihood of metabolic health improvements and lower risk for diabetes across 6 years.
A study on nurses’ attitudes toward seeking psychological help revealed that personal stigma and depression had mediating roles.