The intent of this course is to examine a range of school-based supervisory models and leadership activities relevant to the role of resource teachers. Application of supervisory methods will be ...
Dr. Crawford did his undergraduate degree in genetics at the University of Alberta, then worked for a few years in the computer industry doing software development and network design work. He returned ...
This course is intended for experienced teachers and administrators who wish to explore the philosophy behind the Middle School Movement and who want practical strategies to use in changing from a ...
Provides a range of related contemporary critical perspectives that challenge the relations of power contained in the social and political contexts and practices of education, teaching and learning.
"Reflective practice" will be the primary focus of the course. Teachers and administrators will reflect on their professional experience in the light of current educational and leadership theory. The ...
The Second Language Research Institute of Canada (L₂RIC) is a leader in the field of second language education and is recognized nationally and internationally. Whether you are a prospective student, ...
UNB’s Faculty of Management is a centre for experiential learning and entrepreneurial thinking. Our graduate programs offer students a professional, experienced and relevant perspective on the ...
Get hands-on support from Canada’s top cybersecurity researchers. Help us build industry-leading cybersecurity technology. And face emerging threats with company-specific, cross-disciplinary research.
Enhance workplace well-being and inclusivity with our Certificate in Psychologically Safe Leadership (CPSL), Certificate in Becoming a Psychologically Safe & Inclusive Employee (CPSIE), and wellness ...
Join us online for a series of insightful webinars focusing on innovative trends and technologies in the construction industry. Our expert speakers will cover a wide range of topics including ...
Rosann Edwards is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of New Brunswick Saint John, an experienced front line public health nurse, and lactation ...
The Gérard V. La Forest Law Library serves the faculty, staff, and students of the UNB Faculty of Law, as well as the rest of the UNB/STU community. We provide a wealth of legal information and ...