In the heart of Konjic, a city known for its rich tradition of wood carving, is ZANAT - a private company that is an example of sustainability, energy efficiency and innovation. ZANAT, the ...
The Global Digital Compact, adopted by world leaders at the Summit of the Future, underscore the collective vision of harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI)’s immense potential to accelerate progress ...
قبل بدء الصراع الحالي منذ نحو عشر سنوات، عانى اليمن من نقص حاد في الطاقة. منذ ذلك الحين، تفاقمت أزمة الطاقة، حيث تعاني معظم الأسر في اليمن من الانقطاعات المستمرة للتيار الكهربائي. ولهذا أصبح ...
Access to energy in Yemen was limited before the current conflict began nearly a decade ago. Since then, the energy crisis has worsened. Most households in Yemen struggle with irregular access to ...
An indigenous weaver from Sapchari Union, Rangamati, skillfully works on a waist-loom, crafting vibrant traditional garments that preserve culture and empower livelihoods. In the remote hills of ...