Volkswagen Touran - Wikipedia
The Volkswagen Touran is a car manufactured by German automaker Volkswagen since 2003 and sold in Europe and other select markets.
Volkswagen Touran Review 2025, Price & Specs - What Car?
2024年5月31日 · The Volkswagen Touran might not seem as desirable as a seven-seat SUV, but it remains roomy, practical and very well built. It’s more refined than its van-based rivals and better to drive than a...
上汽大众官网 | 大众途安L(Touran)价格与图片-家用MPV首选-MPV …
全新途安L (Touran)采用6/7座灵活布局、137-1857L 后备箱变化,带来百变灵活空间! 提供集成式儿童安全座椅、9.2英寸彩色触摸屏、智能电动尾门、全景电动天窗等实用功能。 大众途安L官网为您提供途安L报价及图片,参数配置,外观、内饰图片,4S店代理商查询,预约试驾等服务,欢迎莅临指导!
Touran - Volkswagen Newsroom
2024年6月13日 · The Touran's success story continues: Volkswagen has upgraded the popular compact van and further improved its technology to the state of the art. The Touran celebrates its 20th birthday this year and continues to impress, thanks to a spacious and variable interior, efficient engines and agile handling.
The Touran |車款資訊|台灣福斯汽車 - Volkswagen
身為 Volkswagen 旗下首度採用新一代 MQB 模組化底盤打造的 MPV 休旅車款,其車身尺寸較前代車款明顯放大,搭載全新引擎技術、駕駛輔助系統和多樣創新功能,給車主更得心應手的駕馭快感。
Volkswagen Touran Review 2025 - Top Gear
2015年1月13日 · This new one sits on the hugely versatile MQB platform, which underpins everything from Golfs and A3s right the way up to the tremendous Skoda Superb. It’s a bit wider and significantly longer than...
大众途安 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
大众途安(Volkswagen Touran)是大众公司基于第五代高尔夫开发的紧凑型多功能休旅车(MPV),与高尔夫及奥迪A3同属PQ35平台。 在 欧洲 及其他一些市场上销售。
Happy Birthday, Touran! - Volkswagen Newsroom
2023年3月28日 · The Touran's success story continues: Volkswagen has upgraded the popular compact van and further improved its technology to the state of the art. The Touran celebrates its 20th birthday this year and continues to impress, thanks to a spacious and variable interior, efficient engines and agile handling.
2024 Volkswagen Touran 價格車款介紹-8891汽車
VW針對旗下Polo、Tiguan Allspace、Touran,推出新年式,除了部分車系編成調整,配備依車型不同也有所升級,不過售價也隨之上揚就是了。 大改款RX、GLC皆上榜! Euro NCAP最新撞測成績出爐. Euro NCAP近日公佈今年度最後一批新車撞擊測試結果,其中6台車與台灣市場較為相關,提供給準車主們參考! 不只菜價、阿堂鹹粥、肯德基要漲,車價也跟隨日益上揚的成本壓力而喊漲,台灣福斯旗下諸多車系,也將於新年式調升售價。 台灣福斯推出新年式Polo和Touran車 …
All VOLKSWAGEN Touran Models by Year (2003-Present) - autoevolution
2022年7月6日 · Volkswagen introduced the Touran MPV in 2003 on the same platform as the Golf V and introduced two facelift versions and the crossover-style CrossTouran in 2011. After successfully introduced...