Portal Gov.pl
Informujemy, że w czwartek 30 stycznia od godziny 20:00 do 31 stycznia do godziny 00:30 niedostępny będzie serwis www.mobywatel.gov.pl, usługa „Zgłoś Urodzenie Dziecka” oraz ePłatności.Planowa przerwa wynika z koniecznych prac serwisowych.
VISAS - Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland - Gov.pl …
The Uniform Schengen Visa is valid in the Schengen Area and permits its holder to remain in the territory of all of the Schengen Area Member Countries for a maximum of 90 days during a 180-day period.. Schengen Visa with limited territorial validity is valid in the territory of one or more Schengen Area Member States, but not in all the Schengen …
Office for Foreigners - Office for Foreigners - Gov.pl website
2024年3月19日 · Pages available in the www.gov.pl domain may contain e-mail addresses. By clicking an e-mail address provided as a link, you consent to the processing of your data (e-mail address and other data provided on a voluntary basis in the message) in order for the recipient to send a response to the submitted questions.
Portal Gov.pl
Dokumenty i dane osobowe. Dowód osobisty, paszport, prawo jazdy, dostęp i zmiana danych osobowych, dane kontaktowe. Edukacja. Zdalne lekcje, żłobek, przedszkole ...
Visas - Office for Foreigners - Gov.pl website
No, the application for a residence permit should be submitted during legal stay in the territory of Poland. If the above-mentioned deadline was met while submitting the application, an employee of the voivodeship office places a special stamp in the foreigner’s passport.
Entry and residence conditions for foreign nationals in Poland
Entry conditions for long-term residence I. A foreign national crossing the border to enter the territory of the Republic of Poland for long-term residence (i.e. for more than 90 days) is required to justify the purpose and conditions of the intended stay as …
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland - Portal Gov.pl
Pages available in the www.gov.pl domain may contain e-mail addresses. By clicking an e-mail address provided as a link, you consent to the processing of your data (e-mail address and other data provided on a voluntary basis in the message) in order for the recipient to send a response to the submitted questions.
Portal mos.cudzoziemcy.gov.pl - Portal Gov.pl
2022年12月12日 · Moduł Obsługi Spraw dostępny pod adresem mos.cudzoziemcy.gov.pl to nowy serwis internetowy uruchomiony przez Urząd do Spraw Cudzoziemców. Portal umożliwia m.in. przesłanie wniosku o udzielenie zezwolenia na pobyt, wypełnienie formularzy w intuicyjnym kreatorze, poprawne przygotowanie dokumentów oraz uzyskanie informacji na …
Ministry of the Interior and Administration - Portal Gov.pl
2025年1月10日 · Pages available in the www.gov.pl domain may contain e-mail addresses. By clicking an e-mail address provided as a link, you consent to the processing of your data (e-mail address and other data provided on a voluntary basis in the message) in order for the recipient to send a response to the submitted questions.
Entry and residence rules - Your Europe in Poland - Gov.pl website
Pages available in the www.gov.pl domain may contain e-mail addresses. By clicking an e-mail address provided as a link, you consent to the processing of your data (e-mail address and other data provided on a voluntary basis in the message) in order for the recipient to send a response to the submitted questions.