Differences Between Duck Eggs & Chicken Eggs - BackYard Chickens
2022年5月11日 · Chicken and duck eggs are undoubtedly good for you, but duck eggs are different. For example, duck eggs contain more healthy omega-3 fatty acids than chicken …
Duck eggs causing me stomach pain? - BackYard Chickens
2011年4月22日 · 1) hard boil a single duck egg and eat it, plain with nothing else - if you still have pain it's definitely something about the duck or the duck feed. try the same with a chicken egg …
Duck Egg Candling Photo Diary - BackYard Chickens
2009年4月17日 · So - I set 6 eggs out of my Dutch Hookbill duck hen (with mixed daddies) around 5:00 p.m. on 3/2 in my Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco. There's a lot about candling eggs here on …
Help Me! My duck eats her eggs!!! - BackYard Chickens
2016年10月18日 · Duck eggs are usually very hard shelled, so the fact that she can break her shells with her bill leads me to believe that the shells aren't strong. She should be fed a good …
Scrambled eggs - cooking with duck eggs - BackYard Chickens
2011年9月14日 · Okay, new duck owner with newly laying hen. Find that duck eggs do have some differences - most of which family seems to tolerate okay. In most cases seem to like …
Incubating And Hatching Muscovy Eggs - BackYard Chickens
2012年5月10日 · LISTEN TO YOUR EGGS.. by monitoring air cell size and weight loss the eggs will tell you what they need as to humidity! This is an approximation of what the air cell growth …
misting and cooling duck hatching eggs - BackYard Chickens
2011年8月1日 · Last year was my first time incubating duck eggs. I started misting and cooling on day seven untill day 24. 7 days later I added 3 or 4 chicken eggs. I couldn't believe I had a …
Duck lays almost all double yolk eggs...Is this normal??
2010年8月26日 · A lot of times birds who've just started laying will lay unusual eggs- sometimes eggs with no yolk, sometimes eggs with just a yolk, sometimes weird shapes or sizes... in your …
Questions about duck eggs: Why are they so small?
2009年12月9日 · The Cayuga's eggs vary between XL and jumbo. But I've been disappointed with the Welsh Harlequin eggs: I don't have a scale, but I'd guess that they're only large at best. …
Eating eggs - best way to crack a duck egg - BackYard Chickens
2015年6月29日 · Hard cooked duck eggs are known for being a hassle to peel. Steaming them is super easy and makes the shells come off really easy. Plus the eggs are perfectly cooked with …