is upgrade from iPhone 12 Pro Max to iPhone 15 Pro Max worth it ...
2023年9月12日 · I am thinking whether i should upgrade from iPhone 12 Pro Max to iPhone 15 Pro Max or not? Things which i look for are battery, better processing and off course better …
iPhone 13 Pro Max /w 12 Pro Max Case | MacRumors Forums
2021年9月14日 · They are the exact same dimensions except for the 13 Pro Max being 0.25 mm thicker. I would think the cases would fit. It's almost like the "first gen" iPad Pro's Magic …
Currently on iPhone 12 Pro Max. Upgrade to iPhone 16 Plus or wait?
2024年10月19日 · I am still quite satisfied with my iPhone 12 Pro Max, but I know that it's an old phone and, in the not-too-distant future, Apple will drop support for it. I wanted a bigger …
iPhone 12 Pro highest Watt charger that an iPhone 12 will take ...
2019年5月15日 · Testing conducted by Apple in September 2020 using preproduction iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max units and software and accessory …
what are my repair options for cracked rear glass iPhone 12 Pro …
2013年6月26日 · My iPhone 12 Pro Max has been in a case for its entire life, I never take it out of the case except rarely to clean it. Today I took it out of the case to clean it, and I noticed that …
iPhone 12 Pro Max how’s the antenna signal/reception
2019年10月14日 · I'm coming from XS Max to 12 Pro Max on T-Mobile. I'm averaging about 1 bar higher throughout my house. Keep in mind that I'm going from LTE to 5G on T-Mobile so the …
iPhone 12 Pro Max值得买吗? - 知乎
iPhone 12代,更像是升级了处理器和影像的iPhone,对于中国人来说,它越来越像一台没有魂魄的躯壳了。以小米系对比,iPhone 12像一台不太好用的小米8,Pro Max 像一台不太聪明 …
iPhone 13 和 iPhone 12 Pro Max 应该怎么选? - 知乎
iPhone 12 Pro Max,网图侵删。 至于使用寿命方面,好的处理器和大运存都可以不同程度的提升使用寿命,并且互为前置条件,如果自己觉得 app 用的多,对多开切换比较看重,可以优先 …
Iphone 12 pro max case works on iphone 14 pro max
2022年10月7日 · I received my iphone 14 pro max today but didn't get my case yet. I don't want to go caseless for 1 week. So I cut my old iphone 12 pro max case and it fits the new iphone 14 …
Low notification sounds (With Max Volume) 12 Pro Max
2021年2月2日 · iPhone 12 Pro Max I am just wondering if anyone is experiencing this same issue with low volume notifications with all volumes turned up to max. I have ringer and alerts turned …